January 22, 2008

Now reading

Now reading the book 'HAPPIER' by Tal Ben-Shahar. Like it so much that I've added it to my lifelong learning collection of books.

This self-help book came highly recommended from my good friend Hun Pin in Singapore. Tal Ben-Shahar is one of the popular lecturers in Harvard University. His classes attract 1,400 students per semester - about 20% of all Harvard graduates! CNN, CBS, the New York Times and the Boston Globe have featured the famous author.

Excerpt from page 168:
A happy - or happier - life is rarely shaped by some extraordinary life-changing event; rather, it is shaped by incrementally, experience by experience, moment by moment.

Take a sneak on a review on Happier by Kate Bohner.
A person can endure emotional pain at times and still be happy overall, writes Dr. Ben-Shahar.

Really? Do you agree?

1 comment:

I Am Sarawakiana said...

very interesting book indeed.

We should be able to have the time in our life to pick up a book and read, more often than not.

The more we read the better we become mentally.
