February 17, 2008

Beautiful rehearsal

You will smile when you view the video of the kids from our church rehearsing their performance for next week's SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY.

I managed to video their performance this morning after church service. Enjoy the preview by clicking here.


bp said...

Hi James,
I'm not able to view/download the clip. Could it have been the still image that you posted? I'll check back again! Thanks for coming by!

Have a great week now! God bless!

James TC Wong said...

Hi BP, you can now view the clip by clicking on the word 'here' which is in blue or go to My YouTube Videos. You are right, the pic is just a still pic. Cheers and God bless!

bp said...

Thanks, James, I got it now... blur me must have missed the "here" link the 1st time round!

The children know the lyrics and actions from start to end, you're right it's a very good rehearsal. And nothing like seeing little ones praising and worshipping God! The coming actual performance will be just as beautiful, I'm sure! Thanks for sharing! I remember singing the "oompapa" song when I was younger, too!