March 4, 2008

How to beat rainy day blues

The rain was incessant this morning; I think it started before dawn. This was how it was at 9 am when I was going towards town.
No rain could dampen my spirits for the day!

Because Roseline made me a great breakfast before I left the house.

One of my favourites!
2 slices of homemade mixed fruits bread (which Roseline baked last night)
2 half-boiled eggs
Butter and kaya
A cup of hot coffee

A good breakfast is a sure way beat rainy day blues!

Don't you think so? xD

1 comment:

Yan said...

Home-baked bread? That's really heavenly with the soft boil eggs and even the coffee!

Must not ever let my husband read your blog! At least not until I am successful in letting the machine runs the job :)

I have a bread machine, but have not been successful! But, it does knead the dough for making "pau" quite nicely!

Must try again soon!