August 16, 2008

The birth of a new cell group

Last night we held an orientation for our new cell group. Much to our surprise and delight, we received a bonus - Victor brought along two new friends - all glory to God!

After years of nurturing by my ex-cell group leader, Roseline and I have stepped up one level to start a new unit! In a way Brother William was my "Ananias" for "restoring" my spiritual blindness. That is why I am truly grateful and appreciative of what he has done for me. Thanks so much, Brother William! Timing also played a decisive role; after the 40 Days of Purpose, some of my group members decided to stay put and continue the fellowship. This motivated my family to progress spiritually as we learn to exert influence for God on others.

The majority of the members are new believers. We were quite touched last night when they indicated a desire to grow together spiritually as a group. We also discussed about the group's shared vision and objectives so that we have a common purpose to sustain our spiritual walk together. As a group we intend to take a proactive approach in the marketplace.

We expect great happenings to come!


I Am Sarawakiana said...


Keepup your good spiritual work. We all need examples like this.

garrylin said...

I would like to just offer a short prayer for this newly inducted cell group...

Dear Lord,
We would like to commit this newly inducted cell group unto Your Mighty and glorious hand. May your presence be with them as they continue their growth in this spiritual journey. Let each of their LOVE grow so much for one another that others surrounding them may feel Your Love overflowing from them. May their relationship bond closely as brothers and sisters in Christ. And last but not least, we commit the cell group's leader to You. May your spirit anoint this humble servant of Yours that he herd these sheep of Yours and may he Feed them accordingly to Your Will. We give thanks for your grace is sufficient for us! In Our Mighty Saviour Jesus Name we pray!

All Gods People say, Amen!

William said...

I am very proud of you and your group! Amen amen! I am sure that your willing to make sacrifices for others' spiritual well being is what God would love to see. May your group impact many new believers. May their spiritual health go from strength to strength.

God bless you all.

just me said...

Amen to gary's prayer for you.

God sees your availability, Praise Him