August 30, 2008

Lesson 1

Can we know God? What is He like? Who is He? These were the first questions put to us as we commenced "Understanding Christian Beliefs" in lesson one for my new cell last night. Since my group consists mainly of "infants", we have unanimously agreed to start with "milk powder", i.e. with the Navigation series which would provide us with a firm foundation in bible studies.

First we learned from Isaiah 45:5-6,
"I am the LORD; there is no other god. I will give you the strength you need, although you do not know me. I do this so that everyone from the end of the world to the other may know that I am the LORD and there is no other god."

We were greatly encouraged when our shepherd Rev Law Hui Seng dropped by to welcome the new flock. Our group is blessedly unique; there are four members who are hearing-impaired, five who are pre-Christians and all who are thirsty for His Word!
Time seemed to pass too quickly when everyone had a good time. Our facilitator Sister Mui Foon did a fabulous job; her clear and crisp instructions encouraged much interaction and interesting discussion.

Thank and praise God for His Grace was upon us last night. The walk has begun!

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