My new laptop with matte black finish and dark chrome accent was delivered to my doorstep.
Dell Penang stated 2 weeks for delivery and as expected, they always under-promise and over-deliver! The laptop arrived on the 7th day - they are really good in marketing!
It was the 3rd Dell laptop I've bought in the past 14 months; the other 2 units were for Aaron and Abel.
I had to incur this extra cost (or investment?) because my old laptop's fan has ceased functioning. Sent it for repairs. My technician responded after 1 day, "Sorry - I called up Acer. They said this model is obsolete."
Hoping for a "spare part replacement" miracle, I next sought the expertise from the computer geek - the son of my cell group leader. After examining my old laptop, Jonathan politely said, "Uncle, maybe it's time you changed your laptop." In a way Jonathan helped me make the decision to get a new one.
So XP or Vista? Most brands do not bundle XP as the operating system anymore as it is being phased out.
I chose the model Vostro 1400 because it has the OS option of XP or Vista (can upgrade to Vista in the future).
With XP, of course.
Basic specs - 14.1" widescreen, Core 2 Duo Processor T7250, 2.0GHz, 2MB Cache, 800 MHz, 3GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM, 120 SATA HD, 8XDVD,+/-RW.
My younger sister and brother got Dell as their laptop too last year for their Uni life "weapon". My only advice to them (which they never listen to) is to get a light weight laptop.
I received leaflet from Dell on Vostro as well and I must say they're really worth buying. I recently upgrade to Vista and I must say that I'm not ready for Vista but I decided not to change back to my XP since who knows when MS will announce that they'll no longer support XP and things like that...
Anyone going for Apple Mac or open source Linux? They're not for me, I'm already polluted by MS, "Windows" knows me better than Mac or Linux..
I'm a Dell supporter too!
BTW, I am happy using Vista for 1 and the 1/2 year!
Thanks for dropping by SC! I like your 2 blogs! God bless!
Hey, you got a Dell as well. I bought a Dell but I think I received it late. At least later than I thought. Well, I am using Vista.. it is still unstable. Always crash. XP is definitely more stable. 6 years with XP on my previous Acer still functioning tip top condition, minus the speed. LOL!
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