May 17, 2008

On target

I went to watch Judy train yesterday. Located next to the tennis courts at the Miri Sports Complex, the outdoor archery range is presently still under construction.

Photo credit: James Wong

Judy is the daughter of my church members Peter and Jennifer Yong. She's a good Christian whose fine qualities make her parents, family, friends and church proud!

I was amazed to find out that the current national champion only picked up archery four years ago when she was in Form Two! You can read more of Judy's story here.

As a model student, Judy's talent is not only confined to archery skills; she also excelled academically in the SPM exam last year, scoring 8As and 4Bs. I understand she's already been offered a 3-year nursing scholarship. Awesome!

Come June 2, Judy and her team mates will be leaving for Terengganu to represent Sarawak in the Sukan Malaysia (Sukma XII).

We will be cheering (and praying for) Sarawak team all the way!

Next week I will be blogging on another outstanding youth from my church. Do drop by!


I Am Sarawakiana said...

Wonderful. Young people need their aunties and uncles to appreciate their abilities and contributions in our society. Through sunday school, meetings, work parties, and
sometimes just time and talk.

Time is a premium, but sometimes one fleeting moment can change a life. One smile can make a young person's day. One touch can change a young person's life direction.
An adult is a powerful person.

Many Bible references to this effect.

Years later they come back and say nice things when we are then older.

Let us pass God's wisdom to them. You are a good uncle through your blog and your service in church. In the real society today, not many men are playing uncle roles well.....

James TC Wong said...

All glory to God for your kind words and encouragement, sis Chang Yi!

Anonymous said...

Thank you James on an article you wrote on Judy. It will no doubt strengthen her spiritually, mentally and physically in her challenging years ahead. Your bog,like you have put in the header "Anything Good" is good and keep everyone informed in the church. God has been good on us and I thank Him for that.

God bless,


James TC Wong said...

Hi Peter - thanks for visiting! And praise God your family is firmly anchored in Christ! Judy will go far in life - she is smart, humble and has good people skills. We really thank God for bring your family to GMC!

Judy said...

Hi Uncle James!!! ^^ Thanks for all the compliments you'd mentioned in your blog. Uncle James is extremely good in taking photos!! I can't even see my little pimple on my nose. Hey Uncle James! I like your snapping skills as well as your camera too! (^_*) May God bless Uncle James and your family.


James TC Wong said...

Thanks for visiting, Judy! God bless and keep you and your family always!